During a recent Jewish philanthropy conference (#JFNAGA), I was asked to help lead a session called The Social Media Experiment. The idea was to illustrate how quickly ideas can surface, develop and how broadly they can spread organically using social mediums. The intention was also to give people, who are fearful or confused about social media, the chance to practice with fairly simple ideas and concepts. The goals we tried to accomplish in the one hour time frame were to illustrate both the way an online community can come together organically and the power, possibility and impact social media can have on a constituency base.
We broke into groups choosing between these topics:
#ILikeChallah – on Twitter via use of a hashtag, people post creative types of challah they make or could imagine i.e.: pumpkin spice, sprinkle, chickpea honey, gluten free.
#JewishRealityTV – If you were producing a Jewish-themed reality TV show, what/who would you follow and create? Follow a Jewish summer camp director, Natalie Portman “Kosher Kitchen” all the drama in a kosher restaurant kitchen or The Matchmaker or The J Factor – singing talent competition for Jewish virtuoso?
#WhyGiveJewish? Used twitter and video to engage in debate/have people post reasons why they chose to give to Jewish orgs i.e.: If we don’t take care of each other, then who will?, I have the best memories of learning to swim at the JCC and want to make sure my kids and grandkids will have the same opportunities. The video made was up to 181 views in 48 hours. It also got over 75 retweets and shares thanks to the influencer in our group, the Israel Embassy Director of Public Diplomacy. The team leader attributed some of the success from help from key influencers in the area who retweets posts.
#MitzvahoftheDay – people post what good deed they conducted today ie: I gave up my aisle seat on a plane and instead sat in the middle so a mother and child could sit together, I donated to Federation, I went grocery shopping for my Grandmother.
My session was: Virtual J
ewish Community Cookbook. We used mostly Facebook, but my page posts also get posted on Twitter, hence I used both mediums. I posted on my personal page, a request for favorite family recipe: What is your favorite family #recipe? Planning for #JFNAGALive Social Media Experiment Seminar Mon 10:45 am Help make a Community Cookbook using Facebook “
In a three hour period, leading up and following after the class for days afterwards, there were over 50 responses worldwide. We discussed the need for follow up to all responders, a way to post the virtual cookbook online via sites like drop box and clouds and ways to engage our constituents locally, nationally and internationally simply and at no cost just by requests and compilation on Facebook.
A few in the group are already beginning working on creating a community book partnering with cities all over the country. Another idea in the works is regarding the Super Storm Sandy. A community is now creating a resource for Sandy relief, provided by the community for a central repository for tales of kindness and redemption emerging from the Sandy relief efforts. (#). With over one billion people on Facebook, the world is our oyster as to what can be communicated, accomplished and what ideas can realize into real-world, ground-breaking happenings. Also with the use of sharing sites groups can, edit, access and collaborate on files worldwide helping anyone share and access their data anywhere. Try it, post and idea and champion an effort. You may be surprised by the power you hold with your friends and followers.
Bottom line is social medias like facebook, Twitter, YouTube give you access to voices, brands and information. It also is a free tool, and if used properly, can help you strategically build your Awareness, build your Brand and grow your Community. So remember your ABC’s, create a hashtag, invite others of similar interest to join in and try it out. From brand lift, to CRM, to direct sales, social media offers businesses a chance to reach an engaged audience.
I am here to help. Please “like CITYPEEK Patti on facebook and “follow” @citypeekpatti on twitter. I would love to know your ideas and help build your #hashtag revolution.

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